Corporate : Follow CDC guidelines

Regional :  wear a mask, get vaccinated


Solutions for student discipline and effective classroom management (customer service)

Questions Students Ask: about issues that need solutions


no class contentration

Students cannot concentrate on acquiring knowledge and learning unless there is no fear of being shot at school


Elementary school student shoots teacher. Administration ignored teacher warnings Superintendent and principals removed

(continue from gun violence page 1)


Anti Guns in School Message






Warning signs of troubled student: what to watch for in potential violent students.


1. Students who make threats

2.Students obsessed with guns or firearms magazines

3.Students who display pictures of guns or gun related activities

4.Student who copy or emulate acts of violence

5. Student who torture of viciously mistreat animals with glee

6. Students obsessed with a desire for recognition or fame

7.Students who seek revenge or vindictive students

8. Students with any form of violent social media display

9. Students who are short tempered, violent or over aggressive

10. Students who talk often about hurting or taking the lives of others

11. Students whose behavior is odd or consistently unusual

12. Students who are bullied or often mistreated.

13. Students who are isolated or appear troubled

14. Students who talk often of wishing some one was dead

15 Students who say they will take a life to solve a problem


Miscellaneous: Things to think about


1. Eliminate credit card gun purchases(possible illegal purchase loophole)

2. Provide free mental health care for persons in need.

3.Stop selling children's lives for politics and money

4. Stop blaming mental illness for gun problems

5. Change members of congress/limit congressional terms 9 for the House 3 for the Senate

6. Ban firearms in churches, schools, civic centers, parks, bars, and hospitals

7. Stop making excuses for the inaction of Congress

8. Limit conceal weapon permits unless necessary( justifiable)

9. Be aware of gun lobbyist and gun advocates propaganda

10. Educate students in schools,"Never Again" allow school shootings to happen

11. Speak out publicly against gun misuse and school violence

12. Do the right thing, not the political thing.

13 Which is more important students lives or a lobbyist rating???

14. Reject the insane idea of giving teachers guns even with intensive training

15 .Don't be deceived by gun advocates who say guns in the hands of teachers will protect students

16. Guns for teachers is a ploy by gun advocates and gun lobbyist to put more guns in society. Its not for school safety. Its for gun sales

17. Prosecute any gun dealer who violates state or federal law on guns or ammunition with actual jail time.

18 Eliminate financial support to the NRA


What to do now? stop playing: Just do it!


1. Stop giving" lip service" about guns and pass strong universal gun legislation

2. Pass legislation to prevent open and concealed fire arms on all modes of public transportation

3. Pass legislation to deny persons to carry open or concealed fire arms across state lines

4. Pass strong legislation and regulation for all Internet firearms sale

5. Pass legislation to deny firearms to unstable, violent, abusive or mentally ill individuals

6. Pass legislation and ban the AR-15 ,assault weapons and ammunition

7. Pass legislation to ban the sale of assault weapons to anyone under the age of 21

8. Pass legislation requiring extended waiting periods and intensive background checks to purchase firearms

9. Provide finances to support gun legislation and mental health issues

10.Pass federal legislation to compensate families of teachers killed on the job or in schools

11. Stop delaying passing strong gun legislation, just do it now

12. require gun safety training,renewed background check, and license renewal of permits every 3 to 5 years.


School Resource Officers

1. All school police Resource Officer must have a minimum of two years of college education

2. All police Resource Officers must have one year of human relation training and gun violence prevention

3. All police resource officers must attend three general Parent Teacher Meeting per year

4. All school Police Resource Officer must present an annual written Report to the school system administration including observations, potential problems, suggestions, and possible school and safety improvements.

5.All resource officers must serve on one school committee of their choice in the building they work.

6. All resource officers must hold an annual assembly on gun violence and prevention for students and parents
A general knowledge of schools and their functions will aid in human relations and benefit students



If money is needed, dip into the 5 billion dollars requested to build an ineffective,poorly conceived border wall. Parents are not afraid of a kid coming across the border with nothing ,seeking a better way of life; but they are afraid of a kid with an AR 15, shooting in school to take their child's life. Enough is enough. The problem is not difficult to fix, it just take a will to fix it. Children's lives should never be weighed by politics. Never again should students have to protest government official to pass laws on guns to save their lives. We understand your reason for being afraid; we hope Congress will pass gun legislation to make all students feel safe in their schools.





Stop Gun Violence. Stop Killing Children. Protect A Child Today. Pass Strict Gun Laws


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